Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Damaged Hair?

My hair is somewhat damaged so I'm planning to stay off the flat iron and blow dryer but the only problem ismy hair dries frizzy, not even a curly frizzy just somewhat straight frizzy. I have tons of products for frizzy hair but none work they work for 5 minutes then frizzy again. And if I don't straighten my hair its heavy and feels gross. Any advice?Damaged Hair?
Deep conditioner your hair.

Mayo and eggs repair your hair SO well.

I know it sounds gross, but if you google 'Mayo in hair' treatment, a ton of stuff will come up. It has a bunch of protein (which is what your hair is made up of) so it works like a charm (;Damaged Hair?
The Fructis products are great!
  • skin allergy
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