Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Damaged hair?

Whats a good way to repair damaged african american hair?

MY edges keep breaking off and my mom says its because i straighten them to much and the heat damages it.

Also my hair is uneven because of it breaking of on the top and in the back.

What r some good products?Damaged hair?
Well I'm sure any leave-in or deep repair conditioner should work. Try something by Neutrogina, and don't forget to get split ends trimmed. When you straighten your hair, hopefully you always use heat protection. It is a MUST!!! The ones in cream form work wonders, but they also come in sprays.Damaged hair?
Home remedy for dry damaged hair.鈥?/a>
I use Dove hair products. They always keep my hair really soft and less fragile. Make sure you use heat protectant when you straighten your hair. My hair breaks easily too, but it's been better. I also use Design Line Silk Drops. I got it at Regis Hair Salon. They work wonders. I have also used SunSilk hair repair. Hope one of these works for you. Good Luck! Whatever you do, do not use Pantene Pro V. Their products create build-up on your hair that will do more damage than good.
doo gro megahick products or all doo gro products
Since they are already breaking off at the tips, the only way to fix that, is to get a trim. And your mom is right. That does happen from straightening your hair a lot. I get the same problem. Trimming the ends of your hair is the best thing to do, because if not, it could lead to split ends.

And make sure that when you straighten your hair, it is dry, not wet.

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